Monthly Archives: August 2011

Aye !

Ok so some people thought I had dropped off the face of the planet !

Truth be told I kind of have !

New house, new life and no tinternet so no blog updates !

So whats been happening ?

Etape Caledonia was interesting, finished which was a relief but a disappointing 5 hrs 3 mins 3 s

Puffer Lite

we had planned to the winter puffer but due to all sorts of team injuries etc we had to drop out !

The nice people that organise the race changed our entry !

We arrived on site and set up Adventure Zone Scotland Base Camp.

We were a team of 3 and I was first out on the 11 km route.

The track was awesome with a mixture of sustained uphill,technical single track and some interesting downhill, which i soon came a cropper on buckling my front wheel !

Skinny headed out on the second lap and 45 minutes later was back for a change over with Scott.

Scott ahu ahu ! had man flew and came back suffering leaving Skinny and I to finish the job.

The Ay ups came up trumps on the night section and before we knew it we had done our time !

We managed seventh which we were reasonably happy with !

Green Belter

A bit closer to home saw us at Carron Valley on the campsies for a bit of Running,biking and Kayaking.

This was also the first outing for the Cube since its rebuild after the puffer !

It was a hot day when we started and it was nice to get to the kayak stage to cool down,Smithy and i stayed together keeping each other going on what is pretty familiar ground.

After that it was more running with some usual Gary Thompsette stings in the tail, The Rat Race boys had found us a new trail and for once I was enjoying the run section.

Finishing 36th was not bad but I felt slow on the running section !

A quick was down in the ” alfresco” bath was called for !

Life was all good till some pikey crap head stole my bike off the back of my truck at work, what made it worse was despite 2CCTV cameras the police were not interested !

So here I am no idea what bike to buy !

At the moment this update comes from Kendal as PTC and I are down for KORS.

Keep an eye on his site for the write up as I am going back to the world of no tinternet !

You kids take care !

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